Yoga (booooo)
Yeah so tried out some Yoga today. Definitely the lamest workout so far. Partially because i have zero flexibility, and partially cause it is Boring. and 90 minutes long. Oh also its boring.
So I guess I'll keep on keeping on, and see how the rest of the deal is. Perhaps next Yoga day I will get up early and do the first half in the morning and the second half at night... Perhaps that will be uhm less boring.
Oh did I mention that the recovery week has yoga twice? Lame.
Day 3 Shoulders and Arms
Well that was a good time! Didn't find this workout so hard, but thats probably cause I skipped the bonus round. And I need to move up in weight in several exercises.. Encouraging to be able to get through a workout though!
Not looking so forward to Yoga tomorrow with my lack of flexibility.
Did some plyometrics today.. Thats a funny word for one hour of jumping. I wanted to turn the dvd off after about 26 minutes! But I managed to hold on, taking little breaks as needed. My fancy heart rate monitor wristwatch (womens one because it was 10 bux less than the mens - who needs manly watches when you do girl pushups?) told me that my heart rate was between 165 and 185 pretty much the whole time. I found some calorie calculators that estimated my hour at about 765 calories. Between the two granola bars and the ichiban noodles I think I burned more calories than I ate!!
But Jesse saved the day with some scrumptious pork chops and potatoes and salad and watermelon supper..
mmm rain, thunder, lighting.... must be a summer evening in the Peeg.
Pull up your pants, Put them down. Pull up your pants....
AKA "Heavy Pants" pretty much the same thing as bent over rows...
Yes I started P90X today, day 1. Olyhay itshay was that tough. I mostly tried to just keep going - partly because I went to Terrace Sunday/Monday and therefore at pepperoni and chips for a day and half. Not doing so good with the nutrition part just yet I suppose. Jesse laughed at me because I told her that in round 2 on I think the 4th set of pushups (which are alternated with chin-ups. Ouch) I had to do pushups with my thumbs and index fingers touching. I did 2. Then 5 more with my knees down. Girl pushups. Wicked.
Anyways I am pretty excited about sticking to it for 90 days, although I am trying to keep a realistic idea regarding my desired results. So many peoples results on their personal sites are excellent, but perhaps thats only cause the motivated people blog about it? Well I will set a goal of 3 updates a week, and a minimum of 0-30-60-90 day picture updates.
Exercise.......Current stats......Goals
Chin up............3.5.............10
Push ups...........23..............60
Toe Touch........-8inches......0" (touch toes)
Bicep Curls.......16/#25.........16/#35
Body Fat...........23.2%...........17%
Don't really care about the other parts of the fitness test although I'll post the full comparison on or about day 90.
And here is a special treat; some fat person pictures!